Friday, October 14, 2022

"Video Games, The Metaverse and the Future of Science Education" - An Interview With Dane Lancaster of XR Marin

 by Samantha Dvorin, Archie Williams High School 

Dane Lancaster is the director of XR Marin, an organization that works to bring immersive education and VR technology to schools and other educational communities. He has a BS in Chemistry and was previously the CTO at the Marin County Office of Education.  On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Lancaster presented "Video Games, The Metaverse and the Future of Science Education" at the Marin Science Seminar. We asked him some questions about what he does.

1. How were you introduced to immersive education and the idea that students’ learning might improve with VR?

I have been interested in investigating how technology can enhance learning for many years.  I was introduced to virtual reality about six years ago when the first VR headsets were introduced by HTC and Oculus/Facebook. An app called theBlu had been released and when I tried it, I was blown away by the sense of presence and immersion while floating around in a coral reef abundant with sea life. I immediately saw the power of VR and imagined how similar immersive experiences could be used to

engage students in a range of subjects in the classroom. I have found that traditional learning combined with immersion, movement, and hands-on experiences in VR amplifies learning, as reported in a wide range of studies in the US and abroad.  

Community Night at XR Marin

2. What advice would you give to someone interested in implementing VR education at their school or institution? 

First, I would suggest that they try VR themselves. I have found that it is difficult to explain what VR is to someone who has not tried it before. Second, I would recommend that they connect with educators in the VR community who have implemented VR in the classroom. No use in reinventing the wheel or finding out the hard way how not to deploy VR in their subject area. Third, start small with a pilot. Maybe begin with one lesson augmented by an immersive experience and then if successful expand to additional topics. 

3. How do you persuade people that VR education is effective, especially with all the folks skeptical of the usefulness of the technology?

Again, I would select a few educational VR apps for them to try. Then I would provide them with the names of schools and universities that are effectively using immersive tech for education and include a list of research studies that describe the effectiveness of immersive learning experiences. Educational leaders will need data to understand why VR works to support any decisions they make to expend funds to purchase VR devices and apps. If possible, they should visit a local school or college classroom and talk with students and teachers about their impressions, pros, and cons.     

4. What is the best part of your job?

I have always been curious about learning science and how we can enhance learning. Immersive learning using VR is a new and exciting field. Sooooooo interesting to be at the forefront of this new frontier.  

5. What is the worst part of your job?

I sometimes wish the world would catch up faster. I am a bit impatient and find it annoying that others don't always see what seems obvious to me. But that's life!

 6. Have you always been interested in technology and STEM?

I have always been interested in how things work from atoms to cells in our bodies to stars in the universe.  My curiosity about those things and why we are here has yet to fade. 

7. How has your past work at the Marin County Office of Education influenced your current career?

I believe that education is the most important gift we can give to our fellow human beings. I have always been thirsty for knowledge. My 20 years at the Marin County Office of Education gave me the opportunity to get deeply involved in the interface between technology and teaching and learning.  One of the freedoms I was given was to introduce emerging technologies to students and the local educational community. Two of the most rewarding activities at the Marin COE were organizing the MARINOVATORS Maker Faire and founding the XR Marin Learning Lab and Training Center.

8. Are there any projects you are working on right now?

One exciting project XRMarin is working on now is the assembly of a group of high school students interested in participating in developing a VR experience demonstrating the impact of climate change on sea level rise in Marin. The students will have a variety of roles in the project including VR developers, 3D artists, storytellers, researchers, and social media managers. The goal is to work with the County of Marin government's Sea Level Rise group to produce an immersive experience that educates the community on the potential disruption to low-lying areas in Marin over the next 50 years and what steps can be taken to alleviate the results of sea level rise. The plan is to showcase the Marin Sea Level Rise VR Experience at the Marin County Fair next summer.  Let me know if you know anyone who might be interested in joining this project.

  • Contact Dane Lancaster at, if you might be interested. Click here for more information about XR Marin

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About Us

Marin Science Seminar is a one-hour science lecture/presentation with a question and answer period open to all interested local teenagers, educators and community. Seminar sessions are held 12 Wednesday evenings during the school year, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the Innovation Hub at Terra Linda High School, 320 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael. Seminar speakers are scientists, mathematicians, engineers, physicians, technologists and computer programmers. The topics presented are in a specific area of the speaker’s expertise, geared to interested high school students.