Sunday, June 2, 2024

5 Ways Big Data can Help us

 by Lorena Salvado, San Marin High School 

Data storage centers

Big Data, or large data sets are used to train machines and programs (using specific algorithms) to identify and solve problems in our world. Many machine learning algorithms focus on identifying images and recognizing early symptoms of many illnesses, helping patients and doctors alike. Many other algorithms work around predicting our voting and economic futures- each equally important. All of these algorithms are fueled by large data sets, or Big Data, which help train the machine ( or AI) and help it in making more accurate predictions and decisions. 

Many researchers, such as Abby Smith who came to Marin Science Seminar and talked about the benefits of Big Data in her talk :“Data Science for Social Good”, use these algorithms to predict and help marginalized communities. These data collections and datasets help many other organizations in determining help to deliver as well as keeping track of the issues within these communities. 

So, given that there are many opportunities to help using Big Data, here are 5 different and positive ways Big Data is being used to help those who need it. 

1. Tracking and Helping the Homelessness Crisis

One of the main projects Smith worked on, was a predictive and preventative program for individuals that were at close future risk of homelessness in Allegheny County. Her work involved taking data from numerous individuals as well as taking previous homelessness data and patterns and applying it to the current situations. From these programs she can understand who is at a higher risk of near homelessness, and from there the Allegheny County Department of Human Services could intervene and further help these people. This was a very impactful project as it helped many people that were at risk of homelessness. 

2. Local data for Local people 

The Native BioData Consortium (NBDC) is a database run by Native Americnas focused on gathering information about Native Americans. This big data ranges from public healthy COVID-19 surveillance and tracking to the study and documentation of chronic diseases and effects of medicine. This research and data helps foster trust within these communities as well as incorporate more aspects of their lives into science (by incorporating biological, ecological, sociological factors into the data alongside the data itself). It is also used to encourage and teach future Native American scientists and improve their tribes and communities. 

3. Language Preservation and Research 

Language preservation has become a big issue in the recent decades. As predicted by UNESCO, 90% of the world’s languages could disappear within the next 80 years. This means that many small indigenous communities will lose their languages, due to assimilation or benign overtaken in importance and significance by outside cultures and languages. Languages are a very important part of culture, with many aspects of the culture being carried by the spoken or written language. To preserve these languages many have launched large Data Science for Good projects, such as Google’s Wallaroo project. These projects collect large data about endangered languages, their syntax, their phonetic sounds, and their cultural importance. Documenting these endangered languages helps us preserve our cultures and use machine learning algorithms to teach it back to future generations, or simply to understand the language patterns better. Another example of language preservation can be seen in the work done for extinct languages. For example, many Native American languages were lost due to colonization and years of forced assimilation. Many of these languages did not have written forms for us to historically trace back and find. Many language based algorithms are using the little oral data that there is on these languages to predict and “fill in” ( phonetically, grammatically ect) what these languages might have sounded like. This helps many historians and Native communities as they have better chances at recovering their languages and cultures. 

4. Track and prevent Avian Influenza Risk 

During the 2020/2021 Avian influenza outbreak, a team in Korea decided to make a large database containing cases of avian influenza as well as its early stages. This data was later used in many algorithms across the country to help identify and track cases of avian influenza, which helped mitigate the infections and the effects of the illness. Today, with a widespread outbreak of avian influenza going around - with cases even spreading outside of the avian world ( such as cattle and even humans now ! ) large data and algorithms like these are needed. By having a lot of information on the patterns and spread of illnesses, we can better protect our own communities and lessen their spread . 

5. Help Businesses target their consumers better

This is by far one of the most widespread uses of Big Data in our current, modern world. Many businesses ranging from social media platforms, to small business, to large companies all seeking to advertise and adapt to their consumer base  use some sort of data collection systems to keep track of their consumericus. Many businesses have a certain demographic of people in mind to sell their products to ( ex: A business selling paints will want to market their products to other painters or artists looking for paint ) and collecting big data about individual users on platforms or internet browsing helps these businesses target their advertisements in a more accurate way. 

From preventing and tracking homelessness factors, to helping businesses run smoothly and make more profit, to predicting and keeping track of global diseases and preserving and predicting historical and lesser spoken languages, big data and algorithms play a huge role in our world. More and more data is produced every day, and every machine learning algorithm becomes more accurate and more efficient than the last one. These crucial algorithms can help not only our world, in the domains of business, finance, and homelessness, but also the world that we live in, tracking avian flu cases, and predicting natural disasters or helping spaceflights run smoother. And of course, these are just some of the ways that large data sets can be used to help people and improve algorithms. A few more examples can be seen in depth in Abby Smith’s talk at Marin Science Seminar, which can be seen here : "Data Science for Social Good" 

More information on Abby Smith’s work:  ,  ,

Visit our future Marin Science Seminar talks on the official Marin Science Seminar Website :

Monday, May 20, 2024

"Getting a Grip on Geysers"- An Interview with Mara Reed

by Lorena Salvado, San Marin High School 

Geysers are one of the most fascinating geological phenomenons- with only a few 1000 on our planet, each requires specific conditions of magma streams, water, and geological networks to work. Most of today's geysers were formed 14,000 years ago- after the last glacial era of our planet. They operate under very intricate conditions-with lots of mystery around their exact workings, which is why Mara Reed became intrigued by them. Reed is a Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley's Department of Earth and Planetary Science, and she works at geyser sites - mainly in Yellowstone National Park- spending her days researching and collecting data. She came to Marin Science Seminar on Wednesday February 7th, 2024 and gave a talk about the current research concerning geysers as well as their importance. In this interview, she will share a few tidbits about her work and give some advice. 

A picture of geologist Mara Reed, she is out in nature near some mountains wearing a yellow and blue beanie.
Mara Reed
What is your favorite geyser hike?

I enjoy hikes to the edge of Shoshone Geyser Basin in Yellowstone’s backcountry. If you hike in June or July, you’ll see incredible wildflowers along the way. It can be done as a long day hike (18 miles round trip) but most people choose to backpack. The trail passes by some interesting geyser formations. Just be sure to stay on the path, for your safety and the protection of the thermal features.

How much of your time is spent out in the field versus in the lab, which part do you like more?

I actually do my best to stay out of the lab! Most of my work involves spending just a couple weeks in the field every year, and then spending the rest of the time managing, analyzing, and writing about the field data. I find the lab work that relates to water chemistry or rock properties very “fiddly,” and would rather be outside.

How does geothermal energy collection affect geysers (In Iceland or other locations)?

There is almost always a negative effect, whether from large scale power production (like in Iceland and the US) or from smaller scale heating (like in New Zealand). Geysers need water and heat to operate, and geothermal wells can take both of those things away. The US once had a few geyser fields in Nevada, including significant ones at Beowawe and Steamboat Springs, but geyser activity declined and then ceased after geothermal power production started. I think geothermal energy is necessary if we want to get away from fossil fuel reliance but I do hope the world’s remaining geyser fields stay protected.

Do you think that knowledge of geysers on planet earth could affect our developments or research on other planets ( i.e. Mars or the Moon)?

We do find geyser-like features on other solar system bodies, including Enceladus (moon of Saturn) and Europa (moon of Jupiter), but we think they  form and operate differently than geysers on Earth. I think hydrothermal areas and geysers are good laboratories to study how life lives and even thrives in extreme environments. We now know that there are microorganisms that live directly inside Old Faithful Geyser’s vent, which is pretty incredible. Understanding the present day life that exists in these environments can help us understand how life formed on our planet and where we might look for life elsewhere in the solar system.

How can the public help with geysers or geyser research?

We are very fortunate to have the world’s most concentrated geyser field in our backyard. The biggest thing people can do is to be a good steward of these areas. For visitors to Yellowstone, that means following the rules—keep to the trails and don’t mess with the geysers. It’s not just a safety thing. Geyser formations and bacteria mats are extremely delicate. Damage can be permanent. For anyone really interested in geysers and contributing to geyser monitoring, I would recommend reaching out to the Geyser Observation and Study Association (GOSA) for resources and tips on getting involved. Most geysers are still not monitored by scientific equipment, so visual observations of geyser activity are still a very important resource for scientists.

What's a piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to pursue a career in geyser research?

Since geyser science intersects with many different fields, it’s helpful to have a broad knowledge base. A solid foundation in physics, chemistry, and hydrogeology will serve you well. For those interested in pursuing scientific research in general, there are many opportunities at the college level. Some universities have strong undergraduate research programs (this is something to think about when choosing where to apply to college), but you can also apply for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs where you can get paid to do research, usually over the summer at a certain university. Early exposure to research helps you figure out if you like doing it and what research questions interest you. 

A pictue of a geyser ( called Lion Geyser) taken by Mara Reed during a sunrise.
Lion Geyser picture by Mara Reed 

You can watch Mara Reed's Marin Science Seminar presentation here, "Getting a Grip on Geysers" with Mara Reed, Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley’s Department of Earth and Planetary Science

You can learn more about Mara Reed and her work here :

As well as check out her awesome photography here : photography  

License for all photos used : license 

And additional information used in this article can be found here , "USGS How do Geysers Work

Monday, April 29, 2024

An Interview with Wolfgang Schweigkofler Ph.D. of Dominican University—"Beware of the Aliens! Studies on Invasive Plant Pathogens at Dominican University"

by Julia Owens, San Marin High School

Dr. Wolfgang Schweigkofler
Dr. Wolfgang Schweigkofler

It is hard to find someone who has not watched a movie with aliens. ET? How about Walle-E? Star Wars probably counts. There are enthusiasts of extraterrestrial life and fanatics for the uncanny, yet there is not a lot of regard towards the aliens all around us.. likely in an ecosystem near you! Invasive organisms join the dark side to terrorize and wipe out native species. Oak trees, for example, are threatened by the pathogen "Phytophthora ramorum," which is researched by Dr. Wolfgang Schweigkofler at Dominican University. Dr. Schweigkofler presented about this pathogen to Terra Linda High School's Innovation Hub in San Rafael, California on March 20, 2024. We interviewed him to find out about his experience as a plant pathologist, professor, and scientist.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Five Health Challenges that Were Deadly Before Antibiotics

Nola Palestrant, Tamalpais High School

    In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered humanity’s first antibiotic, Penicillin, which would come to revolutionize medicine. Antibiotics are a type of medicine that fight infections caused by bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotes - single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles. They were the first life forms to appear on earth, and have been interacting with humans since the dawn of our existence. Bacteria infect us in a variety of ways, including by penetrating our skin, riding in airborne particles that we inhale, residing in the food we eat, and transmitting through contact with vectors. Once inside our bodies, they rapidly reproduce, invading our cells to survive and grow, and sometimes releasing toxins. Though not all bacteria are harmful, those that are can infect almost every part of our bodies. Antibiotics function by killing bacteria outright or disabling their growth. Before the invention and widespread use of antibiotics, many infections were fatal, especially in vulnerable population groups. We can now cure most of them easily and are even able to prevent certain bacteria from causing harm through the use of vaccines. Antibiotics have been instrumental in allowing us to live longer and healthier lives. Here are some medical problems that were deadly in a pre-antibiotic era, but are now largely treatable with the use of antibiotics. 

  1. Strep Throat

    Strep throat, also known as streptococcal pharyngitis, is an infection caused by the bacteria Group A Streptococcus (GAS). Strep throat is transmitted through air and saliva, and includes symptoms of a sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. There are more than three million cases of strep throat in the U.S. each year.
    With modern antibiotics, the duration of strep throat is around 7-10 days, and the majority of people experience no complications. The lack of complications is primarily a result of antibiotics. However, without treatments, the situation can be dire.
    Many unwanted medical conditions can result from untreated strep throat. Rheumatic fever can result from untreated strep throat, causing inflammation of the brain, heart, joints, and skin. Rheumatic fever has largely disappeared from industrialized countries due to the use of GAS-inhibiting antibiotics. Without additional medical care, it can lead to rheumatic heart disease (damaged heart valves). Strep throat can also lead to kidney disease, called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. 
    Without antibiotics, GAS can spread from the throat to other parts of the body, including the sinuses and ears. Ear infections can cause children’s eardrums to burst, and the bacteria can pass into the brain, leading to meningitis. Thankfully, many children who develop ear infections today won’t see serious repercussions, as antibiotics inhibit bacteria before they can cause irrevocable harm.
    Antibiotics, including Penicillin, have been instrumental in minimizing the consequences of strep throat. Today, cases of Group A Streptococcus infections in the U.S. are only severe in 12,000 people, and fatal in 1,300.

Group A Streptococcus (GAS), the bacteria that typically causes strep throat

  1. Tuberculosis

    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It severely affects the lungs and is transmitted through airborne droplets. A TB infection goes through many stages, though Active TB doesn’t typically occur until months or even years after exposure and initial illness. 
    At present, there are fewer than 200,000 cases of TB per year in the U.S.; but between 1600 and 1800, TB was responsible for a quarter of all deaths in Europe. If left untreated, two-thirds of those who contract TB in its various forms will die.
    Miliary Tuberculosis is caused when M. tuberculosis enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. It’s so named because of millet-like spots found on organs.
    Tuberculous meningitis occurs when bacteria infect the membranes of the brain and spinal cord to cause inflammation. These layers are necessary for protection, and so infection can be life-threatening. With modern medicine, only 15-30% of patients with TB meningitis will die, while 20% will experience lasting effects such as brain damage, epilepsy, paralysis, and hearing loss.
    Bone and joint tuberculosis impacts the spine, long bones, and joints, and typically isn’t diagnosed until TB is in its late stages. Bone and joint TB can lead to paralysis, neurological complications, limb shortening, and bone deformities. 
    Other problems arising from tuberculosis include: urogenital tuberculosis; pleural and pericardial effusions, where fluid builds up between tissues in the lungs and heart; and abdominal TB, which can incite problems with intestinal and reproductive organs.
    TB can be treated with antibiotics, though it is a strenuous process and can take years for the disease to be fully eliminated. Even with this drawback, TB is incredibly infectious and deadly without proper treatment. 

  1. Bacterial Meningitis

    Bacterial Meningitis is a severe infection in the meninges - the three membranes that line the brain and the spinal cord. They protect the central nervous system, and in the case of meningitis, become inflamed. While meningitis can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, bacterial meningitis tends to be more harmful.

    The bacterium that typically cause bacterial meningitis is streptococcus pneumoniae, neisseria meningitis, listeria monocytogenes, and staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria don’t specifically attack your meninges. As they infect other parts of your body, they cause infections there, each with its own unique complications. They result in meningitis by chance, and when they do, these bacteria can have detrimental effects. 

    Meningitis is frequently accompanied by sepsis, a serious condition that results in multiorgan failure and shock. Sepsis is often fatal.

    Even when bacterial meningitis is not deadly, it can cause strokes and significant brain damage, leaving victims with issues such as memory problems, learning disabilities, seizures, movement disorders, and paralysis.

    Even with the assistance of antibiotics, 1 in 10 people who contract bacterial meningitis will die, and 1 in 5 will experience serious complications. However, in the pre-antibiotic era, the mortality rate for bacterial meningitis was nearly 100%. Medical advances have enabled us to treat and prevent such infections through vaccination and cleanliness. 

        4. Childbirth

    More than three million babies are born every year in the U.S., yet 1,000 mothers will die from childbirth. Five infants in every 1,000 births won’t survive. However, up until the 1930s, mothers and babies routinely perished in childbirth. 

    In the late 18th century, maternal death rates were estimated to be about 25 per 1,000 women. Because of the high total fertility rate (average number of children a woman bears), the likelihood of childbirth complications was significant. Sepsis, a condition where the body improperly responds to an infection, was the cause of half of these deaths. Accounting for another large portion of deaths were uterine infections that led to Puerperal fever.

    British doctor Irvine Loudon described puerperal fever; “A woman could be delivered on Monday, happy and well with her newborn baby on Tuesday, feverish and ill by Wednesday evening, delirious and in agony with peritonitis on Thursday, and dead on Friday or Saturday.” 

    In 1900, one in every six American infants died before their first birthday. Infections were a primary contributor to this number. Death rates for mothers and infants dropped when antibiotics were developed, able to combat the bacteria responsible for so many deaths. A decreased maternal and infant mortality rate played a large role in enabling a spike in population growth. Without the development of antibiotics to lower the fatalities associated with childbirth, bringing new life into the world would be very different.

  1. General Infections

    Bacteria are everywhere, and people are always susceptible to infections by them. In a pre-antibiotic era, even the smallest infections were typically incurable.
    Minor surgical procedures often had very high infection risks. Because no other medicine existed, people were forced to clear those infections in ways that increased their susceptibility to additional infections, such as amputation or surgery. Those who contracted severe infections succumbed to them.
    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by bacteria were often deadly. Syphilis eventually leads to paralysis, blindness, heart disease, and death. It also caused many neurological problems. Gonorrhea and chlamydia had severe consequences as well.
    Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that causes a wide variety of infections and symptoms. In the time before antibiotics, 80% of staphylococcus aureus infections were fatal. The bacteria would cause abscesses, cellulitis (inflammation of connective tissue), and bloodstream infections. 
    Pneumonia was another prevalent bacterial disease that claimed many lives. It occurs when one or both of the lungs become infected, and the air sacs fill with fluid or pus. Up until the 1940s, medical books recommended harmful practices like bloodletting to cure pneumonia.
    E. coli infections were problematic in the pre-antibiotic era. E. coli bacteria are often found in the intestines, but can reside in a number of locations. They can cause urinary tract infections, intestinal infections, and diarrhea, and may lead to life-threatening cases of kidney failure and other serious issues.
    Antibiotics have played a critical role in reducing mortality from all of these infections, and they will continue to do so as medical science advances. Along with improvements in sanitation and illness prevention, we have managed to dramatically increase life spans, and can treat a multitude of infections that were deadly before the invention of antibiotics.

Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria responsible for several infections

Works Cited

“\/.” YouTube, 16 June 2023, bacterial-meningitis-in-adults/print. Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Bacterial Meningitis: Causes and How It's Spread.” Healthline, 7 June 2016, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Easy to treat now, but not in 1900.” The Independent, 24 November 2000, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Escherichia coli (E. coli) - MN Dept. of Health.” Minnesota Department of Health, 5 October 2022, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Group A Strep Fact Sheet.” CDPH, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Gunawardhana, Nuwan, and Sophia Smith. “Meningitis: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, Risks, Vaccine.” Healthline, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“The History of Antibiotics - The History of Antibiotics.”,15 November 2019, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“History | World TB Day | TB.” CDC, 18 October 2023, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Hoyert, Donna L. “Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2021.” CDC, 16 March 2023, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Murrell, Daniel. “Bone Tuberculosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.” Healthline, 27 August 2018, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Murrell, Daniel. “Bone Tuberculosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.” Healthline, 27 August 2018, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Nardell, Edward A. “Miliary Tuberculosis (TB) - Infections.” Merck Manuals, Accessed 23 November 2023.

Sealey, Toby. “Life before antibiotics (and maybe life after an antibiotic apocalypse).” BBC, 19 November 2015, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Syphilis: The Facts.” CDC, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“TB meningitis | Meningitis Now.” Meningitis Now, Accessed 23 November 2023.

“Tuberculosis - Symptoms & causes.” Mayo Clinic, 22 March 2023, Accessed 23 November 2023.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Photos : Through the Fantastic Eyes of Frogs and Toads

By Adriana Sarahi Martinez, Terra Linda High School

Through the Fantastic Eyes of Frogs and Toads : How Scientists Study What Frogs and Toads See with Rayna Bell

(Original photography and artwork by Adriana Sarahi Martinez)

Rayna Bell explains that some frogs may have nocturnal color vision due to the structure of their eyes.

In this image below, Bell illustrates the structure of how a frog's eye may look.

Image of a small frog found near a bush.

Drawing of a Tree frog by Adriana Sarahi-MartĂ­nez
Learn more at Marin Science Seminar

Sunday, November 19, 2023

5 Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Our Every Day Lives

Nola Palestrant, Tamalpais High School

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a branch of computer science that was created in the 1950s. Unlike previous computer programs, A.I. allows machines to think and behave like humans without being explicitly programmed on their courses of action. A.I. strives to mimic humans’ reasoning, intelligence, decision-making, learning, and perception abilities. There are many complex techniques being used in A.I., including Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. A.I. has been the subject of many controversies for its security with personal information, fairness, and misinformation, and has been vilified in numerous books and films. Regardless, Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly common in our modern world. Here are some ways we interact with it in our daily lives. 

  1. Music Recommendations

So many of us listen to music daily, and platforms like Spotify and Apple Music allow us to play the songs of our choosing at any moment. These services are so popular that they generate billions of dollars in revenue every year. The platforms couldn’t be the successful programs that they are without the use of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). 

Music platforms use A.I. for a variety of functions. A.I. provides personalized recommendations based on content the user frequently listens to. It’ll suggest what it predicts you’ll enjoy and avoid what you’ll dislike. Through reinforcement learning – which involves rewarding or punishing certain behaviors – these services will curate songs that are a good fit for you. Along the same lines, platforms will use A.I. to generate specific playlists based on your taste. 

Music platforms use Natural Language Processing (which helps computers to understand text) and Deep Learning (a way of processing data similar to the human brain to link messages that are not explicitly stated) to enhance search capabilities. When you search for a song, you don’t need to write the title entirely correctly for the program to answer with what you want. A.I. will establish connections between the words you write and the content you intend to see. 

As A.I. continues to grow, it will further transform the music industry. Currently, A.I. is revolutionizing production, breaking apart components of songs, and telling musicians which music will most satisfy their fans. As A.I. progresses, songs will be created entirely by A.I., underscoring the need and importance of musicians.

  1. Virtual Assistants

Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant were some of the first Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to noticeably make its way into our homes. Released in 2011, 2014, and 2016, respectively, these devices revolutionized our interactions with technology. 

The internet is no longer just at the tip of our fingers - it's at the tip of our tongues. With only a few words, users can know the weather next Tuesday, the directions to their favorite restaurant, or the complex workings of organic chemistry. Virtual Assistants allow tasks to be completed or questions to be answered hand-free and with ease. 

Virtual Assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant utilize a variety of algorithms to transform our words into data and then respond to its commands. This procedure, known as Natural Language Processing, or NLP, enables computers to understand words or text, thereby allowing conversation between technology and humans. Other programs such as Pattern Matching Algorithm (a sub-part of NLP) and Natural Language Generation (allows the A.I. 's response to be comprehensible and thorough) are examples of Artificial Intelligence techniques in these Virtual Assistants. 

In combination with A.I., these technologies can evolve into more efficient and dependable machines, with the potential of further advancement. The algorithms Virtual Assistants run on are constantly advancing, and as the data used to run these programs is trained even further, its capabilities will continue to improve. In addition, recent A.I. like ChatGPT could be integrated with older ones, creating increasingly powerful Virtual Assistants. 

Facial Recognition on personal devices

  1. Facial Recognition

Facial recognition, most commonly known for its use on phones, is an A.I. based technology that allows a person to be recognized despite never being seen in those same clothes, that same hair, or that same lighting. We use facial recognition (also called Face ID) to unlock our phones or purchase apps, but it can be used for anything pertaining to identity verification. Although we don't think much of it, facial recognition is a complex process. 

The computer analyzes faces using their visual geometry, which is the relationship between different facial features. A.I. compares the data gathered from the original image to all the faces in the picture, finding the one that is a match. Deep learning processes enable faces to be transformed into numerical expressions. They are then used to look for similarities between the known person and the expressions of every other face.  

In addition, A.I. is used in facial recognition to separate the subject from the landscape and objects in the background. Facial recognition can also be used in broader ways, such as in searching for lost people and finding criminals. 

Currently, facial recognition is being developed to recognize when a person is lying. It does this by discerning subtle changes in facial expressions. As facial recognition becomes more precise and widely used, it can help prevent hacking personal items, as the only way to access the material is by being physically recognized as the owner. Facial recognition could be used to detect tiredness and other problems that may affect driving abilities, thereby reducing injuries. 

  1. Navigation

Navigation apps have become a critical part of modern transportation. Whenever we go to a new place, we no longer pull out a paper map; instead, our phones or cars direct us. 

Immediately upon setting the destination, we are told of the traffic conditions, when we will arrive, and how long the journey will take us. And if you take a wrong turn - don’t worry! - the map will adjust your route automatically. 

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is instrumental in making these features available. Using data from specific areas in the past few weeks, the map will analyze the likelihood and severity of traffic, giving the user an accurate ETA. In cases when traffic is high, A.I. suggests alternate routes to get you to your destination faster.

A.I. also takes into consideration road conditions, speed limits, and stop signs or lights. This allows it to decide the fastest route, not simply the shortest. It can also adjust to changes like road closures, crashes, or adverse weather.

This A.I. works using Graph Neural Networks, a program that can model changing data from the real world by translating it into graphs, and predict what will happen next time. It gathers this data through satellite imagery, crowdsourcing, user location data, and partnering with other companies.

In the future, A.I. could further analyze traffic data for common areas of traffic and accidents. This would enable navigation apps to route the user around such incidents before they occur. A.I. could also merge with satellites, combining data from things such as weather conditions and establishing routes more efficiently. 

Waymo, a Self-Driving Car Company, drives in San Fransisco

  1. Self-Driving Cars

Partially self-driving cars have risen to prominence over the last couple of decades, with the promises of reducing crashes by eliminating human error and expanding the accessibility of transportation. They “sense” their surrounding environment, aiming to adapt to and overcome any challenges, in order to control cars in the same way as humans. 

The unpredictable and varying nature of human driving has inspired the development of self-driving cars, which rely on Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to travel safely. Predictive modeling is the ability of A.I. to analyze patterns and anticipate future events. Predictive Modeling enables the car to anticipate the behavior of other cars and adjust to problems as they may arise. They use A.I. to make decisions in the moment, aiming to react to changes in their environment appropriately.

With the help of sensors feeding data to the computer, A.I. can recreate the car's surroundings. This allows it to recognize objects like crosswalks and traffic lights, and heed such signs correctly.

Many vehicles on the road today are already partially autonomous. Features including emergency braking and lane assistance are already widespread, with A.I. as an integral part of their success. These features have helped to keep drivers safe, and they will continue to improve. 

Although completely self-driving cars are not yet commonly owned, if you live in a big city like San Francisco or Phoenix, you’re likely to see them being tested on the streets. Self-driving cars aren’t popular at the moment, but they could become much more common in the upcoming years, as products currently being tested are brought to market. 

Works Cited

Artificial Intelligence (AI): What it is and why it matters. SAS. (n.d.).,learning%20and%20natural%20language%20processing.

Dicker, R. (2021, May 18). A smoother ride and a more detailed map thanks to ai. Google.

FrÄ…ckiewicz, M. (2023, March 10). The future of satellite navigation with AI and machine learning. TS2 SPACE.

Kaput, M. (2022, September 19). How Spotify uses artificial intelligence-and what you can learn from it. Marketing AI Institute.

Lau, J. (2020, September 3). Google maps 101: How ai helps predict traffic and determine routes. Google.

Lewis, J. A., & Crumpler, W. (n.d.). How does facial recognition work?. CSIS.

A match made in transportation heaven: Ai and self-driving cars. Dataconomy. (2023, October 27).

Self-driving cars explained. Union of Concerned Scientists. (n.d.).

What is natural language processing?. IBM. (n.d.).,What%20is%20natural%20language%20processing%3F,same%20way%20human%20beings%20can 


File:San Francisco (CA, USA), point Lobos Avenue, autonomes auto ... (n.d.).

MacKenzie, M. (2023, November 20). Facial recognition. Flickr.

5 Ways Big Data can Help us

 by Lorena Salvado, San Marin High School  Data storage centers Big Data, or large data sets are used to train machines and programs (using ...

About Us

Marin Science Seminar is a one-hour science lecture/presentation with a question and answer period open to all interested local teenagers, educators and community. Seminar sessions are held 12 Wednesday evenings during the school year, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the Innovation Hub at Terra Linda High School, 320 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael. Seminar speakers are scientists, mathematicians, engineers, physicians, technologists and computer programmers. The topics presented are in a specific area of the speaker’s expertise, geared to interested high school students.